Councillors are summoned to the Annual Parish Meeting and a meeting of the

Parish Council to be held on

Tuesday 20th April 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom


Dial in instructions




Members of the public are welcome to dial in to listen to the proceedings.







                    Election of Officers


                          i.  Chairman

                         ii.  Vice-Chairman







1/21       Councillors PresentApologies.  To receive apologies.

2/21       Declaration of Interests by Councillors of any items on this agenda.

3/21       Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16.03.21

4/21       Matters arising from the minutes not covered in this agenda.

5/21       Police Matters

6/21       Correspondence (out):

                         i. Chairman to Playscheme re broken spring rocker at the park

7/21       Correspondence (in):

Available from the Clerk:

                                                               i.      Message from resident re broken spring rocker at the park.

                                                             ii.      White Rose Update 19/3, 1/4

                                                           iii.      NALC Coronavirus update 7/4, 8/4

                                                           iv.      NALC Online events update

                                                             v.      Public Sector Executive 22/3, 23/3, 24/3, 25/3, 26/3, 29/3, 30/3, 8/4

                                                           vi.      CVS Voluntary Voice April edition

                                                          vii.      YLCA Training bulletin 9/4


8/21       Financial.

Receipts.  To note: None


Payments.  To approve:

                              i.   AGAR training fee

                             ii.   YLCA subscription


Other Matters:


                               i.   To approve the Operating Statement, including Cllr check on Bank Statement.

9/21      Planning Applications.

New Applications: 

                             i.  21/00733/ABC3 - Land north west of Elvington Primary School,Elvington, York.         

                            Change of use of agricultural buildings to 3no. dwellings under Class Q Part 3

            Schedule 2 Article 3 of Town & Country Planning(General Permitted Development)

                            Order 2015


                            ii. 21/00373/ADV - Yorkshire Air Museum Airfield Industrial Estate, Halifax Way,   

                            Elvington, York, YO41 4AU

                            Display of 1no. fascia entrance sign



                              i.  21/00315/FUL - Grange House,  Main Street, Elvington, York, YO41 4AG.

                             1no. rooflight to north elevation and 2no. rooflights to south elevation


                             ii. 21/00274/TCA - The Bridge House, Main Street, Elvington, York, YO41 4AA.

                              Fell ash tree in a conservation area.


                             iii. 21/00275/TCA - Eversfield, Main Street, Elvington, York, YO41 4AG .

                             Fell 1no. pine, reduce 1no. ash and 1no. silver birch by 25% - tree works in a 

                             conservation area.


iv.  21/00233/LBC - Belvoir House, The Green, Elvingto, York, YO41 4AF.

External works to driveway to install a timbergate and replace gravel parking with resin bound surface



Home Lea, York Road, Elvington, York


Applications Withdrawn:  

10/21     Risk register

11/21     Highways, paths and verges

Wheldrake Lane junction safety review

Wildflower planting of verges

Beckside crossing

Community garden

12/21     New Code of Conduct

13/21     Emergency Plan

14/21     Grant funding website

15/21     Fibre Broadband

               16/21    Legacy project.


17/21     Village events. 

i.  Village fete and open gardens

ii. Annual Village meeting

18/21     Recent and forthcoming meetings.

YLCA conference 21st and 22nd April.  Cllr Gallery to attend

19/21     Village Assets. 

i.  To confirm all conditions for The Grey Horse to place picnic benches on the village green are in place.

20/21     Leeds East Airspace Consultation

21/21     Items for Newsletter, Website and Facebook.

22/21     Urgent business.

          Any other business which the Chair considers urgent under the Local Government Act 1972.

23/21     Items to be placed on the next Agenda.  To be with the Clerk before Friday 7th May.

24/21     Date of Next Meeting:  Tuesday, 17th May 2021.


Draft Minutes of this meeting should be available on the village website - www.elvington.net within seven days.

 Yvonne Eggleston  Clerk to the Council
